About Me

My photo
I am a 25 year old bachelorette just trying to find my place in this crazy world. I am the youngest of 5. I have 2 older sisters & 2 older brothers, and I have 9 nieces & nephews! I enjoy good times, with good friends. I work for a professional staffing firm & live here in Austin where I was born & raised. Somewhere along the way in this journey we call LIFE..I hope to find my prince charming but until then, I will continue enjoying life as it is :)

A quote I like: "I believe we write our own stories. And each time we think we know the end - we don't. Perhaps luck exists somewhere between the world of planning, the world of chance, and in peace that comes from knowing that you just can't know it all. You know, life's funny that way. Once you let go of the wheel, you might end up right where you belong."

Monday, November 24, 2008

Hook Em Horns!!

#2 BABY!!!
This has been the best football season!!

I still can't believe I got to go to the TX/OU game...and now......I just won 2 tickets to the TX/A&M game! These are the 2 biggest games for a Texas fan!

Our office park always does a raffle and you have to answer some tough questions about the teams & all this other stuff. And anyways, I won! So I'm going to the game on Thanksgiving!!! (or I may sell them for $$)

I'll update more, later! HOOK EM HORNS!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Excerpt #2

I've had the book for less than 24 hours and I'm almost 1/2 way done with it! These blogs are in no particular order, I am just posting some of my favorite parts of the book, or things that I find interesting as I go along....

"A woman looks more secure in a man's eyes when he can't pull her away from her life, cause she is content with her life."

"When you love your life with or without him, that is when he will accept and value you for who you are."

Excerpt #1

A bitch is not a woman who speaks in a harsh tone of voice. It is not a woman who is abrasive or rude. She is polite but clear. She communicates directly with a man, in much the same way men communicate with one another. In this way, it's easier for a man to deal with her than with a woman who waffles or appears too emotional, because the emotionally sensitive type of woman confuses him. The bitch knows what she likes and has an easier time expressing it directly. As a result, she usually gets what she wants. Here are the ten characteristics that define her:

  1. She maintains her independence. It doesn't matter if she is the CEO of a company or a waitress at Dennys. She earns an honest living. She has honor; and she isn't standing there with her hand out.
  2. She doesn't pursue him. The moon and the sun and the stars don't revolve around him. She doesn't make her dates with him when her horoscope advises that his big Mercury is about to retrograde in her little Venus. She doesn't chase him or keep tabs on him. He is not the center of the world.
  3. She is mysterious. There is a difference between honesty and disclosure. She is honest but does not reveal everything. She isn't verbally putting her cards on the table. Familiarity breeds contempt and predictability breeds boredom.
  4. She leaves him wanting. She doesn't see him every night or leave long messages on his machine. She isn't on a first name basis with his secretary in one week. Men equate longing with love. Longing is good.
  5. She doesn't let him see her sweat. She keeps communication from getting messy and avoids communicating when upset. When she clears her head, she is succinct and speaks in a "bottom line" way.
  6. She remains in control of her time. She takes it slowly, especially when he wants to hurry. She moves to her rhythm, not his, preventing him from taking control of her.
  7. She maintains a sense of humor. A sense of humor lets him know she is detached. However, she doesn't treat disrespect as a laughing matter.
  8. She places a high value on herself. When he gives her a compliment, she says thank you. She doesn't talk him out of it. She doesn't ask what the ex looked like and doesn't compete with other women.
  9. She is passionate about something other than him. When he feels he isn't the "be all and end all" of her exsistence, it makes her more desirable. Staying busy esnures she isn't resentful if he is unavailable. He doesn't have a monopoly on the rent space in her head. He doesn't get Park Place, and he doesn't get Boardwalk. He gets one of those little purple properties next to Go.
  10. She treats her body like a finely tuned machine. She maintains her appearance and health. A person's self-respect is reflected in how he or she maintains physical appearance. If he tells her he doesn't like red lipstick, she wears it anyway, if it makes her feel good.

More to come. This book is a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas Is Right Around The Corner!

I can't believe it's almost Christmas time. It's amazing how time flies the older you get! I am excited about the new year! Not only for my Christmas bonus & maybe a raise! But our market director just announced what we will be doing for the Christmas event this year.

This year it will be all of the north & central texas offices (Austin, San Antonio, Dallas & Ft.Worth) the San Antonio office will meet us here in Austin and we will take a charter bus to Dallas. We will have festivities all day Thursday, Dec. 11th and at night too! They are even paying for each of us to have our own hotel room & food!! We don't know yet what all the festivities are, but I know it's gonna be a blast. We will then come back Friday afternoon =) this is a huge deal and lots of $$ but since we've done so good this year (business wise) I guess we all deserve it!!

I'm excited cause I made a girlfriend that works in our Dallas office, that I haven't met yet, but we act like we've been best friends for years, haha. We just clicked, through working with one another! She's actually coming down this weekend to hang out, but I'm super excited about being able to go to Dallas and to finally get the chance to hang with all my fellow co-workers that I've never met. It's gonna be a GOOD TIME!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A New Approach....

I've HAD IT with the dating scene. Soooo for shits & giggles, I am going to go buy this book and I will be blogging each day about all the good stuff that I learn and read about! =)

Stay Tuned!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Hour With A Few Co-Workers!

Nothin like dancin' to an 80s rock cover band all night!

Taking pictures w/my camera phone

I dunno what's going on here!

She's such a sweetie!
My co-worker Perry & I

My co-worker Adam & I

I met this guy while I was out. Such a stud!

My co-worker Anousinh & I

Group pic, Adam, Me & Anousinhs husband @ Sherlocks listening to LC Rocks!

We all had a lot of fun. I'm lucky that I get work with such an awesome group of people. There's never a dull moment around our office!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

McCain 08!

I hope you did too! Now all we can do is pray for the best!

November 4th, 2008

Today is a monumental day in America’s history. We are on the verge of electing a proud Marxist over an American hero because of a cult-like marketing campaign. Don’t let this happen America. Our prosperity and freedom depends on it. Mr. Obama has run a brilliant marketing campaign, but in the end he is of little substance. Over the course of this campaign we have discovered the troubling, and still partly unknown past of Obama. He has spent over 20 years surrounding himself with anti-American groups and individuals like Rev. Wright, William Ayers, Khalidi, and many more. In his own words he had sought out Marxist professors in college, and maintained these types of associations up until today.There are still large gaps in Obama’s history that he won’t acknowledge, that we still don’t know about, and that the media has never questioned him on. Throughout this campaign, the U.S. media has done nothing but openly support Obama, and even going as far as covering up his dubious associations and real voting record.America is in a rough time as far as the economy, and Mr. Obama still proposes to raise taxes in this struggling economy. He tries to convince his supporters that this is a good idea because it will affect the “rich” more than anyone, but his supporters fail to understand the people he wants to tax are your employers, small businesses, and hard working Americans. Obama states he wants to cut taxes for 90% of Americans, but also fails to tell you that 90% of Americans don’t pay taxes. He has also openly supported “spreading the wealth”, which means he will take your hard earned money and distribute it to people who didn’t earn it. Are you seriously comfortable with that? This will be the greatest expansion of the welfare state in America’s history, and will turn the already troubled economy into a much worse state. Looking back at Obama’s voting record throughout his limited political career, we also see another troubling trend. He has consistently voted against gun rights, even supporting bills that would criminalize people using weapons to defend their own households. He is voted one of the worst politicians for gun owners, and that is reason alone not to vote for him.We have already seen what an Obama Presidency will be like. Anyone who opposes him have been labeled as racists, he has tried to organize state prosecutors to intimidate opponents, he has shunned reporter who dared endorse McCain, we have seen militant youth brainwashed by Obama supporters, the list goes on and on, and it is very scary indeed.So think about all this before voting. Do you really want the U.S. to become more of a nanny state than it already is? Make the right choice America, and it’s not Obama.